Monday, May 2, 2011

Top 3 Reasons to Attend Culinary Arts Schools

So you have decided to pursue a career in the culinary industry. Whether it is to become a personal chef, to run a catering business or to open a restaurant of your own, you should consider attending culinary arts school.

There are several reasons that a culinary arts school education will enhance your career. In this article, I would like to give you the top three reasons.

1. To have credentials. Receiving a degree from a culinary arts school gives you credibility as a chef. It shows that you are a trained professional. This mere piece of paper you have earned will cause people to trust in your abilities more as a culinary professional.

2. For diversity. You can learn to cook from someone, but you only know how that one person does things. Attending a culinary arts school gives you exposure to many ways of doing things and new ideas, since chefs from many different backgrounds and origins will surround you.

3. For experience in different situations. Culinary arts school will allow you to have exposure to many different cooking situations. If you train on your own at one place only, you will only become familiar with that environment. Having the opportunity to experience many different cooking environments will give you a better idea of the exact career path that you want to take in the culinary arts industry.

Culinary arts is a growing profession. There are many culinary arts schools to choose from as well. Culinary arts training is offered at colleges, universities, and even some technical and vocational schools.


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